Well yes here we are at week two! It really is so nice to know that we are supported within the community!!
This week while chatting in the streets we have been offered a Ute to help with deliveries, houses and shops as drop off locations, friends from our mothers groups sticking up notes to spread the word...hurrah for nice folk!!
This week Grace 7 (Spikes sister) headed to the market at 4 in the morning to help with selecting this week produce. Grace selected the Oranges and commented while eating one that "they aren't just good they are delicious" I would have to agree! Have you tasted yours?
In the Box this week:
Each week we also add a herb for you to be creative with. This week we added Thyme. How do you like to cook with Thyme.
We would also like to send out an invitation to you to come and join "The Patch" a little community garden that we have started with the residents at the corner of Park and Stafford Streets. You may have noticed the Scarecrow and Scarebaby in your travels.
We would love for Abbotsford Wooden Box folk to come and join us in the Garden. Send us and email if you are keen to meet and perhaps we could make a time for everyone to get together so that we can then put a face to a name and get planting!!
For this week thank you!
We feel very happpy indeed.
Brooke and Katrina.