Sweet Potato, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seed Hash Browns!!

Hash Browns are used instead of Bread for Eggy Breakfasts in our house hold.
Spike's dad is the maker...... with Spike's help that is!!
The ingredients used:
Sweet Potato
Spring Onions
Spanish Onions
Sunflower Seeds
Dried Mixed Herbs
Salt and Pepper to Season
You mix it all together, heat up a non stick pan, form them into balls, flatten them down and let them cook on each side until golden and a little crunchy then you serve them with what ever you like. Spike's dad made up a Broad Bean, Tomato, Mushroom and Basil Salad to go with it. We also added Poached Eggs to mine.
But some of us can never quite break that breakfast routine.
xxx from Spike's house.
What a great recipe! I shall definitely give it a go. Thanks Spike's house : )